Nedelcho Nikolov

Nedelcho Nikolov Nikolov

PHP Developer, Team Lead and Conference speaker

With over a decade of experience in the web development industry, I have always been deeply passionate about the development side of things. I love exploring new technologies and creating interesting software projects that push the boundaries of what's possible.
In recent years, I have had the privilege of serving as a team lead, successfully managing multiple large-scale projects and helping my team to achieve their goals.
Additionally, I am an avid conference attendee, and have recently taken to the stage to speak on a variety of topics related to web development and emerging technologies.

  • PGEHT Pleven


    Microprocessor engineering @ PGEHT Pleven

    Started at the technical school from 8th grade with speciality Microprocessor engineering. Learned a lot of new things about computers and engineering as a whole.

  • TU Gabrovo


    Computer systems and technologies @ Technical University of Gabrovo

    Started learning for my bachelor's degree in Gabrovo.

  • ProHost

    March 2011 - June 2012

    Web Developer @ ProHost

    First job as a Web developer in a small company named ProHost in Gabrovo. I worked there for about an year and a half and learned a lot of things and gained much practical experience with building websites.

  • eTel

    June 2012 - February 2016

    Web Developer @ eTel

    Started working for a digital agency in Sofia - eTel. There I worked for almost 4 years, and dealth with big projects, as well as customer communication and internal services and projects. I learned a lot of valuable things there, about dynamic interfaces with JS and how to properly integrate external APIs in our systems.

  • TU Gabrovo


    Computer systems and technologies (Masters) @ Technical University of Gabrovo

    Started learning for my master's degree in Gabrovo, I managed to pass all my exams, but waited too long to make my final work, so I can graduate, and they revoked my rights to graduate. Some day I might finish it again who knows.

  • Enetpulse

    February 2016 - Ongoing

    Senior PHP Developer @ Enetpulse

    Moved to a new company in Sofia called Enetpulse, where I started as a Senior PHP Developer, in about an year later I started dealing with the company AWS setup, and participating in the infrtastructure maintanance. Soon after that I was promoted to a Team Lead for one of the new company projects. I'm still working for the same company after more than 7 years.

  • NBU


    IT Project Management @ NBU

    My second master degree about IT Project Management. I wanted to learn more new things and get better at managing people, so I dived into this. Successfully graduated 2023 after a long procastination on my side.

  • OpenFest

    August 2021

    Volunteer @ OpenFest Bulgaria

    First time volunteering at a conference. I was part of the Heralds team, which were responsible for anouncing the speakers on stage and helping them with the Q&A part.

  • QA: Challenge Accepted

    October 2021

    Volunteer @ QA: Challenge Accepted

    Second conference that I was volunteering at, this time I took part in everything, including moving stuff around, helping the sponsors, helping the conference guests. Opening beers at one of ours sponsors booths :)

  • DEV: Challenge Accepted

    September 2022

    Volunteer @ DEV: Challenge Accepted

    This was the first year the conference was organized, and I was part of the volunteers, as well as a speaker at the same time.

  • DEV: Challenge Accepted

    September 2022

    Suffering from success @ DEV: Challenge Accepted

    I made my first conference talk at DEV: Challenge Accepted conference in Sofia, Bulgaria. It was a big challenge to speak in front of so many people, but an unforgettable experience. The topic that I chose was about handling inconsistent traffic with peak usages, and our hands on experience with that thing.

  • QA: Challenge Accepted

    September 2022

    Volunteer @ QA: Challenge Accepted

    I was helping with everything on the conference, like last year.

  • OpenFest

    October 2022

    Volunteer @ OpenFest

    I joined the volunteers once again, and again I was part of the Heralds team, which was responsible for anouncing the speakers on stage.

  • DEV: Challenge Accepted

    September 2023

    Volunteer @ DEV: Challenge Accepted

    Second year that I'm part of the conference volunteers, as well as a speaker at the same time.

  • DEV: Challenge Accepted

    September 2023

    Don't let technical debt drag you down: a guide to staying afloat @ DEV: Challenge Accepted

    My second conference talk at DEV: Challenge Accepted conference in Sofia, Bulgaria. This time I talked about technical debt, what it is, how to manage it and how much is a bad thing. I was also nominated for the Dev of the year award, but didn't win it.

  • QA: Challenge Accepted

    October 2023

    Volunteer @ QA: Challenge Accepted

    Once again I was helping with the conference with whatever I can.

  • OpenFest

    November 2023

    Volunteer @ OpenFest

    Third time volunteering at this conference and I was anouncing the speakers on stage once again.

  • WebExpo - Prague

    May 2024

    Legacy revived: Migrating a frameworkless PHP app to Laravel with Vue.js frontend @ WebExpo - Prague

    My first time speaking on an internation stage. I'm going to talk about a project that we migrated from a frameworkless PHP app to Laravel with Vue.js frontend. I'm going to talk about the challenges that we faced, and how we overcame them.

  • SoftUni

    July 2024

    Laravel and FilamentPHP express course @ SoftUni

    This is my first seminar at SoftUni, where I'm talking about Laravel and FilamentPHP. I'm showing how to build a simple blog app with Laravel and FilamentPHP. The whole event was online.

  • DEV: Challenge Accepted

    September 2024

    Volunteer @ DEV: Challenge Accepted

    This will be my third time volunteering at the conference.

  • QA: Challenge Accepted

    September 2024

    Volunteer @ QA: Challenge Accepted

    Once again I will be helping with the conference with whatever I can.

  • OpenFest

    November 2024

    Volunteer @ OpenFest

    Once again I will be anouncing the speakers on stage, this time I'm also the second responsible for the Heralds team.

  • js.talks();

    November 2024

    Volunteer @ js.talks();

    I was a volunteer for the first time on this conference. I helped with a lot of things during the conference day.

  • IT Weekend

    January 2025

    Effective communication upwards and downlwards in the organization @ IT Weekend

    First time speaking on IT Weekend event. I talked about the importance of effective communication in the organization, and how to achieve it.